The Glimmer Podcast

The Glimmer Podcast

This podcast is for fellow grieving women who have suffered pregnancy loss - miscarriage, stillbirth or neonatal death.

It features one of our psychologists, Julee Pinel speaking about the loss of her baby boy during pregnancy. One of the many reviews of the segment calls it "a door opener to understanding grief", and goes on to say

The podcast so sensitively discusses and opens so many doors to help understand and work your way through grief. A wonderful chat, Julie and Ashleigh. There would have to be something for everyone in your coverage.

The mission of this podcast is to assist you to come through this cruel twist of fate, with as much psychological fortitude, compassion for yourself and connection with others as possible, using wisdom, knowledge and insights sourced from interviewing experts and specialists in the fields commonly accessed by grieving mothers. Sharing these little gems will allow you to navigate the long journey ahead.

Don’t let the darkness swallow you, don’t let yourself do this alone.